Press room


The year of the bicycle in Ingeteam Service

The year of the bicycle in Ingeteam Service

From Ingeteam we set out to start the year in a healthy way. For this reason, throughout the whole of 2016 we have promoted the use of the bicycle, both inside the company and outside.

Ingeteam Service has become the first company in Spain to economically encourage the use of the bicycle among its employees. Now we have a more active and a healthier workforce. In 2017 we will continue to promote this healthy and sustainable habit.

In addition, in order to motivate employees in a sport practise, Ingeteam Service has sponsored the Ingeteam Rumbo BTT Team, where at the moment eleven of our employees take part. 2016 have been a good year for the Ingeteam Rumbo Team, due to the differents podiums and titles achieved, like the XCM mtb Spain championship that our runner Mariano Escobar has won.

Like a responsible business with the environment and compromised with the sustainability and our society, we have took this iniciative to the street with actions as the sponsorship of the International Movie Festival of Albacete Abycine, where Ingeteam invited to the cinema to the asistants that were by bicycle to the festival. In addition, Ingeteam has demostrated its compromise with the society, organizating solidary events like a spinning outdoor activity where the collected money was donated to the child cancer asociation of Castilla La-Mancha.
