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Indar participates in the European NEOHIRE project

Indar participates in the European NEOHIRE project

The project deals with manufacturing techniques and recycling solutions to reduce the consumption of rare earth in permanent magnets for wind energy applications.

In 1994, a group of visionaries began designing and manufacturing small wind turbines in the Sierra del Perdon in Navarra, Spain. Since then wind power has become one of the main sources of energy for the network, gaining a leading position between renewable energies. Indar was active part in that irruption, and since then it has designed and manufactured more than 23,000 wind generators for different wind turbine OEMs, becoming a world reference in the sector. By 2020, 20% of the energy to be consumed will come from wind power generation.

In the framework of the technological development of wind generation, neodymium magnets have taken their position as one of the main components in wind power generators, having extended its use in several platforms both onshore and offshore.

At this moment, Indar participates as the main technologist in a European project coordinated by the Ceit-Ik4 technology center called NEOHIRE, whose aimis to reduce up to 30% in the use of rare earth, gallium and cobalt in the manufacture of magnets Permanent. This project involves a consortium of ten entities from six countries, including the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU). Specifically Indar will be in charge of realizing the technical specifications to be fulfilled by the new series of wind turbines, besides taking care of the validation of the new magnets.
