Market leader in high efficiency generators for engine based power plants

Market leader in high efficiency generators for engine based power plants

Indar, an Ingeteam brand, is a leading electric machine market leader. Been a top notch technologist, high efficiency and robustness of our electric generators make Indar the preferred alternative in the engine based power plants. Thanks to our high performance generators, plant owners of gas, diesel and dual fuel gensets get a faster ROI (return of investment).

If you want detailed information about Indar's products designed and manufactured for this application,
you can contact us here. 

OEMs, EPCs, Utilities and IPPs trust in Indar for its comprehensive portfolio of products and related services, compliant with high demanding, grid code and high efficiency projects to more standard cost-effective projects.

Grid code compliant generators are setting the standards of this application and will become even more usual as far as the share of the renewable energy turn the electricity grids more variable. We share our knowledge assisting you in the grid code interpretation, thus identifying the requirements applicable to the alternator. On this manner assist you in choosing the most appropriate generator for your power generation purposes. 

In addition further support is possible with the latest techniques in the market for network behavior simulation and generator suitability assessment.

The rapidly growing installed capacity of Indar generators worldwide recognizes their competitiveness in transforming the energy sector into a more efficient and less pollutant activity, assuring thus grid stability.

These ongoing projects are located in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Continental Europe and its Islands, Western Africa, Central America and the Caribbean.

Indar, Your driving force
