Commissioning works in Iboundji Hydro Power Plant

Commissioning works in Iboundji Hydro Power Plant

Ingeteam Power Technology’s  commissioning engineers continue equipment installation in Iboundji hydroelectric plant. The Power Plant Automation Department of Ingeteam was awarded a contract to supply Control and Electrical Balance of Plant for Iboundji Hydro Power Plant. This plant, loc...
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Ingeteam, first central inverter manufacturer up to 1165 kVA,  qualified as eligible equipment for DEWA  now also for STRING INVERTERS from 2,5 to 20 kVA

Ingeteam, first central inverter manufacturer up to 1165 kVA, qualified as eligible equipment for DEWA now also for STRING INVERTERS from 2,5 to 20 kVA

On December 7th, the Dubai local authority DEWA (Dubai Energy and Water Autority) released the last updated list of “Equipment meeting eligibility requirements for DEWA Distributed Renewable Resources Generation Program (Shams Dubai)” regarding the connection of solar energy to houses an...
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Ingeteam supports Paris Pledge for Action

Ingeteam supports Paris Pledge for Action

Last week at COP 21 in Paris, governments of the world united in action on climate change by adopting the Paris Agreement, the first universal, legally binding climate deal. This agreement will spur a transformation of global growth and development and open the door to a low-carbon, stable, sustaina...
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Ingeteam celebrates 25 years of activity dedicated to renewable energies

Ingeteam celebrates 25 years of activity dedicated to renewable energies

This year, the Ingeteam group division operating in the renewable energies sector is celebrating its 25th anniversary. The core business of this company located close to Pamplona, in northern a Spain region called Navarra, is the design of equipment intended for the renewable energy sector, specific...
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Ingeteam Wind business unit celebrates 20th anniversary

Ingeteam Wind business unit celebrates 20th anniversary

Ingeteam Wind business unit celebrated today its 20th anniversary, an important company milestone marking two decades of growth and success in the global wind industry. Since the manufacture of its first power converter named INGECON ® WIND in 1995, the company enjoyed steady growth and managed ...
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Ingeteam Service enters the Belgium market and experiences a 50% growth in Europe

Ingeteam Service enters the Belgium market and experiences a 50% growth in Europe

Ingeteam's market entry into Belgium marks yet another step forward in its strategy to gain a firm foothold in northern Europe. The company has been awarded the Operation & Maintenance services for the Berloz wind farm, located in eastern Belgium. With this new contract in Belgium, Ingeteam Ser...
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