

Ingeteam is awarded a contract to optimise the energy consumption of Bahía de Bizkaia Electricidad

Ingeteam has been awarded a contract with Bahía de Bizkaia Electricidad, directed at optimising the energy consumption of the combined cycle thermoelectric power plant, located in Zierbena (Spain). Specifically, the company is to supply four frequency converters to power the feedwater pumps, as well as the seawater circulation pumps.

The contract is directed at achieving energy savings by incorporating frequency converters in the above-mentioned pumps. As far as the feedwater pumps are concerned, the flow rate is regulated by throttling the control valve, whilst there is currently no regulation for the seawater circulation pumps. The inclusion of the converter will make it possible to adjust the pump flow rate to suit the specific process requirements, thereby obtaining energy savings in both cases.

Bahia de Bizkaia Electricidad is an 800 MWe combined cycle thermoelectric power plant located in Zierbena, very close to Bilbao. It has been operating since August 2003 and comprises two gas turbines and one steam turbine - all manufactured by General Electric.
