Energy Storage

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Energy Storage by Indar: a Game Changer to Boost your Power Plant's Flexibility & Efficiency

Energy Storage by Indar: a Game Changer to Boost your Power Plant's Flexibility & Efficiency

What is the last upgrade for your internal combustion engine power plant? On this energy transition era, gas, diesel and/or HFO based power plants are re-inventing their role in the power generation. Sustainability is not confronted with those plants, on the contrary they are utilizing renewable energy thus complementing each other and supporting their unpredictability and inertia with flexibility and quick response.

  If you want to know how to maximize these characteristics,  click here


The extensive addition of renewable energies to the grid reflects the power generation sector´s a dramatic change in recent years. Consequently, electric grids are facing new challenges due to the increasing number of highly variable and unpredictable generation systems.

The highly demanding new grid code scenario can be addressed by improving even more the flexibility of internal combustion engine plants (ICE) with the addition of battery energy storage systems.

In this scenario, Indar´s (an Ingeteam company) cutting edge solutions provide smart grid support services such as: 

• Black–start
• Power quality
• Frequency regulation
• Peak shaving
• Capacity firming, etc.

It’s all about economics

Not only will it be essential –and at some cases required- to deliver power and inertia with the quickest response, but also it will be economically and environmentally wise. Minimizing greenhouse emissions, fuel consumption and engine running hours are the reasons behind.

Firstly, when very fast response is required to keep frequency of the grid within the allowed range, the storage system is the quickest and sometimes the only technical solution available to achieve it and prevent eventual millionaire penalties from the system operators.

Secondly, since the energy storage substitutes the spinning reserve requirement, it removes the senseless and costly fuel consumption of the spinning reserve.

Thirdly, traditionally when high power ramp-up is needed it is achieved by multiple units running in parallel at low load. With our solution, the storage system will take care of such ramp-up and some generating sets can be disconnected and others will work in higher efficiency point, thus resulting in an overall improve of plant efficiency and less running hours.

There are no standard solutions

Since every single network has different requirements, a particular capability study needs to be performed to every single power plant considering the characteristics of the gen-set along with the storage system as the common final goal is to obtain a stable and cost effective solution.

Optimized power plants supported by batteries and the energy management system running in this new ecosystem are already a reality, pioneers in offering flexible operation and grid code compliance.

Indar is the right player to provide this solution due to its comprehensive solutions including Indar generators and energy storage systems.

Be part of our game changing solution and take the leadership integrating renewable energies in an efficient and flexible operation of your ICE power plant.
