Spare Parts

  • Original manufacturer
  • Obsolescence management
  • Supply ensurance
  • Specific high-value programs


  • Original manufacturer warranty
  • State-of-the-art repair
  • Multibrand repair


  • Specific courses for each product
  • Troubleshooting activities
  • High satisfaction

Technical Support

  • High-qualified experts
  • Remote and onsite support available
  • Worldwide service

Fleet Supervision

  • Customised site audits
  • On & Off-Site solutions
  • Business Case for implementation

Life Extension

  • Ensure continuity of spare parts supply beyond asset lifetime
  • Product upgrades according to specific fleet status
  • Analysis of possibilities for performance increase

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Ingeteam SAS

Le Naurouze B - 140 rue Carmin
31670 Labège - FRANCE
Tel: +33 (0)5 61 25 00 00
Fax: +33 (0)5 61 25 00 11

Opération et Maintenance EO&PV

Kévin Brun:

Mobile +33 761 581 983