Update of the Asset Control and Monitoring area content on Ingeteam's website

Update of the Asset Control and Monitoring area content on Ingeteam's website

Over the last months, an update of the Asset Control and Monitoring area content on Ingeteam's website has been carried out in order to improve the access to the Control and Monitoring product areas.

The contents have been translated into German to complement our international development strategy in this field and to meet the needs of our customers. Moreover, future translations into other languages are not ruled out. 

Information organisation has also been updated, a special section has been included for Control Systems for Railway Applications, intended exclusively for the railway market, where INGETEAM is  increasingly present. This section can be accessed from the Automation and Control product area as well as from the Monitoring and Diagnostics product area.

We hope you will find these changes useful.  Nonetheless, if you have any suggestions regarding improvements to our website, please let us know by contacting our marketing department at the following e-mail address marketing.ad@ingeteam.com.

Izaskun Apraiz Elguezabal | Automation Devices Marketing Manager
