Ingeteam and Urban Ciclo: one more year together encouraging the use of the bicycle in Albacete

Ingeteam and Urban Ciclo: one more year together encouraging the use of the bicycle in Albacete

Ingeteam and Urban Ciclo renew their alliances one more year with the aim of continuing to promote the transport of bicycles in Albacete. The company Albacete bicycle transport, Urban Cycle, began in 2016 to provide internal messaging services of the centers of Ingeteam Power Technology - Service in Albacete. A chronometer of 14 km per week that already accumulates 2,200 kms. The use of this bicycle courier service, instead of the conventional distribution with motor vehicles, has prevented Ingeteam from contaminating 418 kg. of CO2.


 Encourage the bicycle


This action is part of the campaign to promote the use of bicycles with which Ingeteam was a pioneer three years ago when it became the first company in Spain to give employees an incentive to work by bicycle. Specifically, the company encourages workers who go to work by bicycle with 1 euro per day. Since the beginning of the campaign, the number of employees who use this vehicle as a means of transport to travel to work has experienced an important growth, increasing from 5 to 52 people.

These data confirm the success of the campaign that after its third year of operation has managed to reduce vehicle emissions, improve the health and general welfare of the employees themselves, since daily exercise contributes to the reduction of stress and anxiety , effects that imply a significant decrease in work absenteeism. Actions with which Ingeteam reinforces its commitment to the environment and to sustainable development.


Urban Ciclo

It is a cyclological company whose objective is to disseminate and promote the use of bicycles in the urban environment of the city of Albacete. To do this, they implement more efficient and alternative systems to the conventional distribution of goods and distribution of documentation to those carried out with motor vehicles, thus favoring urban mobility, the reduction of gases and noise in the urban environment, promoting a sustainable city , dynamic, accessible and modern, in accordance with European directives and trends.
