INDAR will deliver its most powerful hydro generators on record

INDAR will deliver its most powerful hydro generators on record

Indar generators will provide 296 MW to the Bolivian National Electricity Company (ENDE). The total investment of the project reaches EUR 485M.

Bolivian electric company ENDE Valle Hermoso S.A.’s property Ivirizu Hydroelectric Project is located in the Cochabamba Department (province of Carrasco), inside Carrasco National Park (Bolivia).
This project encompasses two cascade hydropower plants (Sehuencas and Juntas) both located in the Alta Cuenca of the Ivirizu river. Those power plants are connected to the Bolivian SIN (Interconnected national system) through the Juntas-Sehuencas and Sehuencas-Mizque transmission lines. Sehuencas plant gets water from the Ivirizu river in the Sehuencas reservoir, while Juntas plant gets water from a reservoir where itis already stored: the turbinated water arising from the Sehuencas Plantalong along with water from the Obra de Toma de Juntas located in the Ivirizu River. 

The Sehuencas plant’s powerhouse is located at 1303.6 above sea level and it is equipped with three Pelton turbines, generating 205MW in total. On the other hand, the Juntas Plant’s powerhouse is powered by two Francis turbines, with an output of 91.55 MW, at 972.72m above sea level. Indar will deliver 3 vertical generators (80 MVA each), with a speed of 600 rpm to Sehuencas Plant, and another 2 vertical generators (54 MVA each) will be installed in Juntas Plant, with a speed of 600 rpm, nominal voltage of 11,5kV and a total electric power of  and fitted to the Pelton turbines.

Together, Indar will deliver 5 large generators, producing 348 MVA electric output at 11,5kV voltage. Both plants will generate 1160.89 GWh per year and their production will be directly integrated into the Bolivian SIN (Interconnected National System).

So far Indar technology generates 417 MW in Bolivia (135 MW at Misicuni, 125 MW at Palillada and 87 MW at Umapalca among others) and on this occasion it will participate as a technological partner in the generator design, manufacturing, commissioning and start up, along with the Spanish company TSK Electrónica y Electricidad, S.A. who acts as the leading EPC company. This project is expected to be in operation by late 2022.
