Ingeteam supplies its solar inverters for a PV project of more than 100MW in Chile

Ingeteam supplies its solar inverters for a PV project of more than 100MW in Chile

  Ø  Ingeteam has supplied 70 solar inverters for Naturgy's photovoltaic project in Chile. Ø  Over the next few months, Ingeteam is set to perform the commissioning work and will be responsible for providing the subsequent O&M services for this project with a power capacity...
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IECON2020 conference Paper presented by Ingeteam: “Methodology to evaluate converter Structures based on 3L NPC PEBBs”

The power increase of the applications is demanding to go for the combination of PEBBs (Power Electronic Building Blocks), when one single device is not enough. This combination allows to increase the electronic solution power, in applications like StatComs, Mining, Transmission and Distribution, or...
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IECON2020 conference Paper presented by Ingeteam: “Three-Level Polynomial Pulse Width Modulation”

The power demanded to power-electronics-based solutions is on highly increase. Due to this fact, Medium Voltage converter topologies are of high interest, thanks to their good power quality and efficiency. However, the low switching frequency ratio presented by these converters arises some challenge...
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Ingeteam fournit les bornes de recharge à la Chambre de Commerce de Nantes

Ingeteam fournit les bornes de recharge à la Chambre de Commerce de Nantes

o   L’entreprise Automobilité, chef de file du projet, a choisi Ingeteam comme fournisseur des équipements destinés à la recharge des véhicules électriques.  o   10 bornes Ingerev FUSION ont été installées, ce modèle étant celui qui s’adaptait le mieux aux exige...
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Ingeteam supplies the charging stations for the Nantes Chamber of Commerce in France

Ingeteam supplies the charging stations for the Nantes Chamber of Commerce in France

o   The company Automobilité, heading the project, selected Ingeteam as the supplier of the electric vehicle charging stations. o   10 Ingerev FUSION charging stations have been installed, being the model that best met the project requirements. Ingeteam has supplied 10 EV semi...
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How do solutions developed by Ingeteam favor the fight against climate change?

How do solutions developed by Ingeteam favor the fight against climate change?

Ingeteam project is based on helping to decarbonise society and bring about an energy transformation towards an increasingly electricity-based society. The underlying technology involves all 3 of the Group’s main technology vectors: rotating electric machines, power electronics and automation ...
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