News in the marketing area

News in the marketing area


Our Marketing Department has revamped our Newsletter, giving it a fresher, more modern look and including a section where you can view all of the Automation Devices Newsletter that we've published to date.   

Your opinion is also important to us and so we encourage you to send us any feedback on our newsletter - it’s design, news, content that interests you, etc.  Please send any suggestions to the following email address: marketing.ad@ingeteam.com

Extranet for Clients

Another project that we are working on and which will be launched very soon is a Client Extranet, the aim being to provide a better service to our clients and improve information exchange on our products and projects.  The extranet will be available before the end of the year and we will keep you updated as to its launch. 

We would like to say thank you to everyone who follows our Linkedin channel, as last month we reached 500 followers and currently have 540.  This would not be possible without you all.  Thank you!

We hope that these initiatives will help our clients have a better understanding of our products and receive better service in this respect.

Izaskun Apraiz Elguezabal | Automation Devices Marketing Manager 
