Press room

Ingeteam opens new subsidiaries in Poland and Chile

Ingeteam opens new subsidiaries in Poland and Chile

Within the framework of its internationalisation strategy, Ingeteam has opened two new subsidiaries, one in Poland and the other in Chile. In Poland, the company is to be focussed on the wind power and rail traction sectors and has been working on the maintenance of wind parks since the end of 2011....
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Intersolar Europe 2012

Intersolar Europe 2012 is the venue at which Ingeteam is to present more technological innovations than ever, in a constant effort to cater for market demands. The new Ingecon? Sun products, designed to offer customers the maximum guarantee and performance, considerably add to the range of technolog...
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Ingeteam, generating technology for these new times

Ingeteam, generating technology for these new times

At this 15th edition of Genera, Ingeteam is set to showcase its latest products, adapted to meet the requirements of the present-day PV market. In this respect, the Ingeteam engineers have developed some really innovative solutions that will allow families and SMEs access to the latest energy genera...
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Ingeteam awarded the Bihotza Saria for innovation

Ingeteam awarded the Bihotza Saria for innovation

Ingeteam has been awarded the Bihotza Saria (heart award) for its work to promote innovation. The Bihotza Saria is granted by the media and, in this sixth edition, it was decided to give Ingeteam this award. On the 18th May 2012, Miguel Gandiaga, partner and founder of Ingeteam, was presented the aw...
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Ingeteam becomes a member of the European Marine Equipment Council

Ingeteam becomes a member of the European Marine Equipment Council

Mr. Santiago Crespo, Managing Director of Ingeteam Marine, has joined the Board of Directors of the European Marine Equipment Council (EMEC). This offers Ingeteam an exceptional opportunity to look after the interests of European companies, involved in the marine equipment sector and, consequently, ...
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Ingeteam set to participate in the design and control course for the implementation of reversible DC substations

Ingeteam set to participate in the design and control course for the implementation of reversible DC substations

On this coming 5th July, Ingeteam is to participate in the 2nd course on the design and implementation of reversible DC substations, to be held at the Hotel Hesperia in Bilbao. The course is directed at analysing the innovative system installed in the Bilbao underground, a system designed to recover...
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