Sala de imprensa

Ingeteam presents its new platform to monitor PV plants and self-consumption systems

Ingeteam presents its new platform to monitor PV plants and self-consumption systems

-  The INGECON SUN Monitor platform is available as a web application and also as an app for iOS and Android mobile devices. -  A number of self-consumption systems monitored with this application are already achieving mean monthly self-consumption ratios of more than 99%. Inge...
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Ingeteam opens a new electrical equipment factory

Ingeteam opens a new electrical equipment factory

Ingeteam has acquired a plant for the manufacture of electronic power and control equipment, which will produce power converters directed at applications in the railway traction, mining, marine, steelmaking, generation plants, power grids and energy storage sectors. The facilities have a manufacturi...
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Ingeteam has been awarded the inverter supply and commissioning contract for the largest PV project in Europe

Ingeteam has been awarded the inverter supply and commissioning contract for the largest PV project in Europe

The Mula project (Murcia) has an installed power capacity of 500 MWp. This contract involves the supply of 238 PV inverters and the work to unload, position, install, connect and commission 74 inverter stations. Thanks to this project, by the end of 2018, Ingeteam will reach 2 GW suppli...
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Ingeteam develops new optimal offshore power conversion architecture based on in-depth LCoE R&D study

Ingeteam develops new optimal offshore power conversion architecture based on in-depth LCoE R&D study

Ingeteam, an independent global supplier of electrical conversion and turbine control equipment, announced today that a recent in-house R&D study allowed them to work out the optimal electrical power conversion designs for offshore wind turbines up to 15 MW. The research, taking into account the...
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Ingeteam collaboration with UNIT71-LAB cybersecurity laboratory

Ingeteam collaboration with UNIT71-LAB cybersecurity laboratory

Ingeteam is collaborating with the company ITS Security at the UNIT71-LAB cybersecurity laboratory with SCADA SYSTEMS, RTUs and substations IEDs. At the UNIT71-LAB industrial cybersecurity laboratory it is possible to analyse and reconfigure possible production network attacks to stud...
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Submersible pumps and motors to tackle flood issues

Submersible pumps and motors to tackle flood issues

If you want detailed information about Indar's solutions, you can contact us here. In the current climate context, floods are becoming more frequent. Our towns and cities and their inhabitants suffer the consequences of these unexpected and sometimes unpredictable events.  Storm w...
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