Long Product Hot Rolling Mills

    Rolling consists of making a material – billets or blooms in the case of Long Product Hot rolling Mills- pass through two rolls that turn at the same speed but in opposite rotating sense, with the aim of reducing the material’s cross-section due to the pressure exerted by the rolls. In a previous stage, the billet has to be homogeneously heated up to a given temperature, i.e. rolling temperature, in a Reheating Furnace.

    Several products can be obtained from these Rolling Mills from bars, rebars, sections, rails, rims, wire, tube, etc.

    Two main types of installations can be found in the Long Product Rolling; continuous and discontinuous (also named cross country. The first consists of the rolling of the bar in one sense in a continuous way during roughing, intermediate and finishing mill stages. The latter consists of the alternating rolling in the roughing mill composed normally of a 2-High or 3-High stands. Intermediate and finishing mill stages are carried out continuously.

    Ingeteam has been designing systems and applying solutions, for the automation and control of Long Product Hot Rolling Mills, for more than 30 years, always using the latest state of the art and the most recognized and reputed brands within the drives and control systems used. These solutions are directed at reducing maintenance and operating costs and, subsequently, improve manufacturing outputs aimed at obtaining a better quality product.

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    Ingeteam Power Technology


    Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia
    Edificio 106
    48170 Zamudio - Bizkaia SPAIN
    Tel: +34 94... See phone