INDAR contributes towards flexible generation that provides the greatest degree of grid stability. It delivers electricity with the highest efficiency wherever it is necessary, on land, at sea or even at remote locations based on gas, diesel or multi-fuel engines.
Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) business unit takes the on the promotion of the generators to be coupled and fully adapted to the demands of reciprocating engines, serving the generation projects of any end user such as power utilities, IPPs, PPAs and operators for municipal or industrial cogeneration plants amongst others.
Product range
INDAR SG Series is the family of synchronous generators designed and manufactured by INDAR and is available in different versions depending on the driving machine:
• For gas motors or turbines: INDAR SGG Series
• For combustion engines: INDAR SGI Series
The various families of INDAR's electrical generators, designed under the strictest premises of reliability and robustness, allow us to respond to the technical requirements of a wide range of sectors.
Given the flexibility in their design, the INDAR range of electrical generators is manufactured in their standard format or custom-made according to each specific need. In both cases INDAR offers a wide range of powers, speeds, voltages, cooling systems and constructions.