• More than 600 vessels

    More than 600 vessels

  • More than 550 low and medium voltage converters

    More than 550 low and medium voltage converters

  • More than 900 low and medium voltage motors&generators

    More than 900 low and medium voltage motors&generators

Fall Pipe Control System

Ingeship Fall Pipe Control System

A Fallpipe Vessel (PFV) is a seagoing self-propelled vessel with a fall pipe, designed to be lowered underneath the vessel. At the lower end of the fallpipe a ROV is installed. By a dynamically positioning system, the vessel can stay in exact position or be guided along a predefined track in order to place rocks in the seabed in a proper way. This rock dumping method is typically used in deep water, up to 2000 meters.

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Ingeteam Power Technology, S.A

Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia, Edificio 110
CP: E-48170  Zamudio, Spain
Tel: +34 944... Ver Teléfono



